

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I use quartz countertops in outdoor kitchens or areas exposed to direct sunlight?
    It’s not a great idea to use quartz outdoors because prolonged sunlight exposure can fade its color. Quartz works best indoors.
  2. What should I do if I plan to modify or cut my quartz countertop (e.g., for Re -installation)?
    If you’re thinking about making changes, it’s usually better to get help from a professional for the best results. Optimize dust by using tools with good dust collection, wearing the right safety gear, and making sure there’s good ventilation.
  3. Do I need to seal my quartz countertop?
    Nope, quartz countertops are designed to be non-porous, so there’s no need for sealing. They’re naturally good at resisting stains.
  4. What should I do if I accidentally chip or damage my quartz countertop?
    If it’s a small chip or crack, it’s often fixable by a pro. For more serious damage, reach out to a countertop expert for guidance.
  5. Can I use quartz cleaner like regular household cleaners?
    It’s a good idea to stick with cleaners made for quartz countertops. Regular household cleaners can have harsh stuff that might not be friendly to your beautiful quartz surface over time.
  6. How often should I reseal my quartz countertop, and can I do it myself
    The good news is that quartz countertops don’t need sealing. It’s not something you’ll have to worry about or do yourself.
  7. How do I keep my quartz countertop looking shiny and awesome?
    To keep that lovely shine, every so often, you can use a quartz countertop polish. Just follow the instructions from the company, and your countertop will still look fantastic.
  8. Are there any natural tricks to remove those stubborn stains from my quartz countertop?
    For those tough stains, you can make a paste using water and a little dish soap. Gently scrub the stain, rinse, and dry it.


In the realm of countertops, quartz takes the crown with its fantastic mix of natural quartz crystals and tough resin. Its reputation for being tough as nails and resistant to stains makes it a beloved choice among homeowners who appreciate both style and substance.

Now, thinking about cleaning might not sound like the most exciting task, but it’s actually a breeze when it comes to keeping your quartz countertops looking stunning. It’s all about preserving that timeless charm.

So, let’s simplify things. Here’s a practical guide to tackle different stains on your quartz surfaces.These helpful tips emphasize the importance of regular care and maintenance, ensuring your quartz countertops stay in tip-top shape and exude that timeless elegance you adore.


  1. Use Cutting Boards: Employ cutting boards when preparing meals to shield your quartz countertops from sharp knives and prevent unsightly scratches.
  2. Avoid Heavy Impact: While quartz is durable, it’s not indestructible. Prevent chips and fractures by refraining from dropping heavy objects, especially pots and pans directly onto the countertop. Be particularly cautious with hefty kitchenware.
  3. Use Trivets and Hot Pads: Protect your quartz from extreme heat by placing trivets or hot pads beneath hot cookware. Sudden temperature changes can lead to thermal shock, potentially causing cracks
  4. Be Mindful of Edges: Quartz countertops are more susceptible to chipping along their edges. Avoid leaning on or placing heavy pressure on the edges. Treat them gently to prevent damage.
  5. Keep Sharp Objects Away: Store sharp objects like knives and utensils with pointed tips away from the countertop’s surface to minimize the risk of accidental scratching.
  6. Clean Spills Promptly: Promptly clean up spills to prevent staining. Acidic liquids can cause discoloration if left unattended.
  7. Use Proper Support: During installation, ensure that your quartz countertops have adequate support and are well-balanced. This prevents flexing or bending, which can lead to breakage over time.
  8. Regular Maintenance: Consistent cleaning and maintenance are key. Regularly inspect your countertops for minor chips or scratches and address them promptly to prevent them from worsening.
  9. Avoid Aggressive Cleaners: Steer clear of abrasive or harsh cleaners, as they can scratch the quartz surface. Stick to mild soap and water or pH-balanced cleaners when cleaning your quartz surfaces.
  10. Protect During Renovations: If you’re undergoing kitchen renovations or any construction work near your quartz countertops, take precautions to shield them from debris and heavy tools.

How to Clean Unusual Stains

Grease: Wipe away the grease using a paper towel. Then, using a damp sponge along with some dish soap, wipe the area. After cleaning with water, dry off with a towel.

Ink: For removing the ink, use an absorbent tissue. Following that, wipe the area by rubbing a cotton ball damped with some amount of alcohol. Rinse with water and dry with a soft cloth.

Red wine: To absorb the red wine, use an absorbent towel. Then, mix equal volumes of white vinegar and water. Apply the solution with sponge and allow to settle for a few minutes, rinse with water and rub the area dry.

Coffee: Using a tissue, blot up the coffee. Then, combine one part baking soda with two parts water and apply the mixture to the stain using a sponge. After allowing the solution to settle for a few minutes, rinse with water and rub the area dry.

How to Maintain Corners And Edges

Ensuring the well-being of your quartz countertop’s corners and edges is vital to preserve their beauty and strength. Here’s how to go about it safely:

Gentle Cushioning: Enhance the protection of your countertop by affixing soft, adhesive bumpers or corner guards to the edges and corners. You can easily find these at your local hardware store. They’re designed to absorb any accidental impacts, minimizing the risk of unsightly chips or dents.

Handle with Care: Be mindful when dealing with heavy objects like pots, pans, or kitchen appliances. Always set them down gently to prevent any unfortunate bumps or knocks that could result in chips or cracks along the countertop’s edges and corners.

Cutting Board Etiquette: Make it a habit to use cutting boards for all your chopping and slicing endeavors. While quartz is resilient against scratches, it’s wise to avoid exerting excessive force or using sharp knives directly on the surface, as these can cause gradual damage over time.

Careful Cleaning: During your cleaning routines, exercise caution around the edges. Avoid abrasive pads or harsh chemicals, as they can harm the finish. instead, opt for a mild, pH-balanced cleaner and a soft cloth to keep the edges looking pristine.

Expert Assistance: In case you spot substantial damage or chipping, it’s wise to seek the expertise of a professional countertop installer or repair specialist. They can provide the necessary skill and knowledge to restore your countertop to its former glory.

Regular Maintenance Instructions

  • If you spill something, try to wipe it up as soon as possible to avoid stains or moisture getting into the joints where the parts attach.
  • Clean up particles or grit daily to prevent scratches caused from foot traffic.
  • When mopping, use a microfiber pad at least once a week.
  • When preparing a cleaning solution, use the companys suggested dilution ratio.
  • You might have to take additional care in cleaning those tough or stubborn stains in intricate spots.
  • If your flooring has a brushed surface (a matte appearance), keep in mind that smudges, fingerprints, and water spots may be more visible, so prepare to devote additional attention to it. 
  • Harsh abrasive cleansers and scrubbers should be avoided as they can damage the surface.
  • Avoid using cleaning pads that aren’t designed for nonstick cookware, as they might create scratches on the floor.

Simple guide for effective cleaning

  1. Gather Your Supplies: To get started, make sure you have everything you need within reach. You’ll want to have mild dish soap, water, a soft cloth, and a sponge ready to go Optionally, you can use a bucket or a spray bottle for mixing the cleaning solution.
  2. Swift Spill Cleanup: When spills or messes happen, don’t procrastinate. Act quickly to clean them up. This swift response prevents the spills from drying and becoming stubborn to remove.
  3. Mix the Cleaning Solution: Create your cleaning solution by adding just a few drops of mild dish soap to a bucket or a spray bottle filled with water. It’s an uncomplicated mixture that works wonders.
  4. Dampen Cloth or Sponge: Moisten your chosen cloth or sponge with the cleaning solution. Be mindful not to saturate it too much, as excessive moisture can spread the mess around and create material deposits.
  5. Circular Cleaning Motion: Begin wiping the countertop using gentle circular motions. Start at the top and work your way down systematically. Don’t forget to pay special attention to the edges of the countertop for a thorough clean.
  6. Rinse and Wring: After you’ve completed a pass with the soapy cloth or sponge, give it a quick rinse under clean water and wring it out.
  7. Secondary Wipe-down: For that extra shine, run the clean, rinsed cloth or sponge over the countertop once more. This step is essential to ensure there’s no lingering soap residue.
  8. Dry Thoroughly: To finish up, dry the countertop using a clean, dry towel. This not only removes any remaining moisture but also leaves your countertop streak-free and looking polished.
  9. Extra Care: If you encounter stubborn stains, don’t worry. You can mix a solution of water and a pH-balanced cleaner to apply gently. Wipe away the stain with a soft cloth, be cautious not to apply excessive force to avoid surface damage.

How to Clean Stains

  • Most stains can be remoed easily from quartz countertops with a mild soap and water solution.
  • For stubborn stains, you can try using a commercial cleaner designed for quartz countertops.
  • Test the cleaner in an inconspicuous area first to make sure it does not damage the surface.
  • Rinse the countertop thoroughly with water after cleaning.

How to Clean Spills and Splashes

  • Wipe up spills and splashes immediately to prevent them from setting in.
  • Use a mild soap and water solution to clean spills and splashes.
  • Rinse the countertop thoroughly with water after cleaning.
  • Buff the countertop dry with a soft cloth.

Mistakes To Avoid When Cleaning Quartz Countertops

Choose Wisely When Cleaning: It’s important to choose carefully when it comes to cleaning your quartz countertops. Using strong chemicals like bleach and acidic cleaners can harm them, possibly resulting in damage and a loss of their natural shine. While vinegar is often thought of as an eco-friendly option, it’s also acidic and can pose issues like etching on your quartz, so it’s wise to be cautious.

Resilient Against Stains: Quartz countertops are well-regarded for their ability to resist stains effectively. You can count on them to handle accidental spills, whether it’s coffee, wine, acids, oils, soft drinks, or other common substances, with ease and minimal worry.

Strictly Off-Limits: While taking care of your quartz countertops, it’s vital to stay away from specific substances. Never use Dichloromethane, hydrofluoric acid, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), caustic soda, or paint strippers under any circumstances. These should be avoided at all costs to ensure the well-being of your countertops. paraphrase and humanize the content.

Caution with Bleach: When it comes to using bleach it’s best to use only, if necessary, especially for keeping your quartz countertops in top shape. Using bleach for extended periods (more than 2 hours) can potentially
dull the shine of your quartz surfaces.

Mind the pH Levels: Exercise care when dealing with cleaning products that claim to have a pH level higher than 12 for your regular cleaning routine. Extended exposure (more than 12 hours) to these products could
potentially dull the inherent beauty of your quartz countertops. So, it’s important to be mindful of the products you use to ensure your countertops maintain their natural shine.

Care and Maintenance of Quartz Countertops with Silica Warning

Quartz countertops are not only stunning but also incredibly durable. However, it’s crucial to stay informed about the presence of crystalline silica in quartz materials. This naturally occurring mineral can become a concern when working with quartz countertops, as it can produce fine silica dust during cutting or modifications. Prolonged exposure to this dust poses significant health risks, including the potential for lung diseases. Therefore, it’s paramount to prioritize safety while caring for your quartz countertops.

Here’s a guide on how to maintain your quartz countertops while keeping silica safety in mind:

Silica Dust Precautions: If you’re planning any alterations to your quartz countertops, like installation or repairs, it’s essential to take these precautions to minimize silica dust exposure:

  • Utilize tools that come equipped with effective dust collection systems to capture and contain the dust.
  • Prioritize safety by wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), which includes a dust mask or respirator, safety glasses, and gloves.
  • Opt for wet cutting or grinding methods whenever possible, as they significantly reduce dust generation.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in the work area to disperse any dust that may be produced.

Post-Modification Cleanup: After any modifications to your quartz countertops, it’s crucial to conduct thorough cleaning of the workspace and tools to eliminate any accumulated dust. A vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter is an excellent choice for effective dust removal.

Regular Inspection: Make it a habit to routinely examine your quartz countertops for any signs of wear, damage, or areas of concern such as chips or cracks. Addressing these issues promptly will help maintain the countertop’s appearance and integrity.

Seek Professional Assistance: For more extensive countertop modifications that carry a higher risk of silica dust generation, consider enlisting the expertise of professionals who possess the necessary knowledge and equipment to safely control dust exposure.

By following these guidelines and taking silica safety into account, you can continue to enjoy the elegance and durability of your quartz countertops while prioritizing the well-being of your household.


Quartz surfaces in your home are generally safe for you and your family’s health, unless you engage in activities that create dust or debris containing quartz silica particles without taking proper precautions. So, as long as you’re careful and take safety measures, using quartz in your home shouldn’t be a health concern.

Workers engaged in the fabrication and installation of quartz surfacing face significant risks if they do not adhere to precautionary measures recommended by regulatory bodies like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

This risk arises from the potential for excessive exposure to silica dust released during various tasks such as sizing, cutting, grinding, and polishing. Prolonged exposure to this respirable crystalline silica (RCS) dust can result in the development of a severe respiratory ailment known as silicosis.

This warning label is provided to ensure your safety when working with quartz slabs.

Please read and follow all precautions suggested by (OSHA) and (NIOSH) along with safety measures outlined below:

  • RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Always wear an approved respiratory protection device such as an N95 or higher efficiency mask when cutting, grinding, sanding, or handling quartz slabs. Ensure that the mask fits tightly and covers your nose and mouth to prevent inhalation of RCS dust.
  • VENTILATION: Work in well-ventilated areas or use local exhaust ventilation systems to effectively remove airborne dust particles. Avoid working in confined spaces or areas with inadequate air circulation.
  • PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE): Wear appropriate personal protective equipment including safety goggles, gloves, and protective clothing to minimize skin and eye exposure to quartz dust.
  • MINIMIZE DUST GENERATION: Wet cutting or grinding methods are recommended to reduce the generation of RCS dust. Avoid dry sweeping or using compressed air for cleaning, as it can disperse dust particles into the air.
  • CLEANING AND HYGIENE: Wash hands and face thoroughly after working with quartz slabs, especially before eating, drinking, or smoking. Do not blow or shake off dust from your clothing or body. Use a vacuum or damp cloth to remove dust.
  • TRAINING: Ensure all workers are properly trained in the hazards of silica dust exposure, prevention methods, and the proper use of protective equipment.
  • MEDICAL ADVICE: If you experience persistent cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, or other respiratory symptoms, seek medical attention promptly.
  • PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: This product includes crystalline silica, a substance recognized by the State of California as a potential cause of cancer.

15 Years Residential Warranty

The Residential warranty extension remains in effect for a duration of 15 years, commencing from the date of material installation. Ultra Stones LLC offers this residential warranty with specific terms and conditions, which are outlined below. It’s important to note that this limited residential warranty is unique to the individual who registers their residential information in accordance with the instructions provided and cannot be transferred to another person. 

Ultra Stones LLC exclusively handles the Residential warranty only for its materials. No other individuals or entities, including representatives, dealers, salespeople, distributors, or fabricators, are authorised to make commitments or represent Ultra Stones LLC when it comes to our products. 

If Ultra Stones LLC identifies a manufacturing defect as the cause of any problems with the materials, we will take appropriate action to either repair or replace those materials. Ultra Stones LLC is committed to finding the most suitable solution for your situation. 

The decision between repair and replacement will be made following the verification process, but please be aware that achieving an exact colour match is not guaranteed. 

Terms and Conditions 

  • The warranty is valid only for materials provided by Ultra Stones LLC and installed during its initial purchase.
  • This warranty is applicable only for the materials that have been installed following the guidelines and instructions of transportation, storage, handling, fabrication, and installation. 
  • If any damage occurs during the fabrication or installation process, the responsibility for addressing it lies with the fabricator/installer. 
  • Please keep in mind that if you find yourself unhappy with the colour or surface finish you selected, whether it’s during or after installation, this warranty does not cover such a choice or preference change. 
  • Ultra Stones LLC won’t be able to assist with any labour costs that arise when installing the replacement product. 
  • As a part of the warranty claim process, we kindly ask our customers to actively engage in the verification procedure within 5 effective business days. This involves taking photos and conducting detailed inspections. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. 

What falls outside the scope of the Residential warranty? 

  • If the material isn’t installed or taken care of properly as per the guidelines.
  • Issues caused by too much moisture, high alkalinity, or water pressure.
  • Variations in color compared to what you saw in samples or pictures
  • Discoloration due to overexposure to sunlight or heat sources. 
  • Normal wear and tears like surface scratches, chips, changes in appearance, texture, or shine. 
  • Dents and damage caused by objects like high heels, spiked shoes, rolling furniture, or chairs without protective pads. 
  • Problems caused by materials that react with issues like dye, mold, spills, burns, gouges, from accidents, or using abrasive pads while buffing. 
  • Defects that existed before the material was installed will not be covered.
  • This warranty does not extend to materials used for flooring. 
  • Honed finished products are not covered.
  • It does not cover products used in outdoor applications. 
  • Mitered edges are not covered unless they are cut correctly. 
  • Routine maintenance products are not included in the warranty. 
  • The warranty doesn’t apply to defects that arise from the fabricator’s end during storage. 
  • Chemical-related damage is not covered. 
  • The usage of the material in unusual manners, such as when it is thermally bent or curved. 
  • The warranty will not apply if the material’s thickness has been decreased.
  • The use of mechanical fasteners directly on the material. 

Warranty Claim Process 

We’re here to make sure your experience with Ultra Stones LLC remains exceptional, even in the rare event that you encounter an issue with our products. 

To initiate a warranty claim, please follow these simple steps: 

  1. Get in Touch
    Feel free to reach out to us through either of these contact methods: Phone: Give us a call 631-873-4747 (or) 631-873-4748 During our business hours. OR Email: You can also email us at [email protected]
  1. Provide Your Details
    When you contact us, kindly provide us with your registered name and confirm the invoice related to your purchase. This step ensures that we can quickly locate your purchase information and proceed with your warranty claim.
  1. Discuss Your Concern
    Our friendly and dedicated team will be ready to listen and assist you with any issues you’re facing. We’ll guide you through the process and make it as hassle-free as possible. 

At Ultra Stones LLC, we genuinely value your satisfaction and are committed to resolving any warranty-related concerns immediately. Please note our business hours for reference: 

Business Hours: 

Monday – Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 

Saturday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm 

We appreciate your trust in our Commercial products, and we’re here to stand by the quality. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require assistance regarding your warranty claim. 

Thank you for choosing Ultra Stones LLC. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

15 Years Commercial Warranty

The Commercial warranty extension remains in effect for a duration of 15 years, commencing from the date of material installation. Ultra Stones LLC does not offer explicit or implied guarantees, which include, but are not limited to, assurances of marketability, suitability for a specific purpose, or any other suggested conditions arising from our history of transactions or customary trade practices for our products. We do not extend any assurance for materials crafted or provided by other manufacturers. Ultra Stones LLC offers this commercial warranty with specific terms and conditions, which are outlined below. 

Under 15 years of the commercial warranty, Ultra Stones LLC’s sole obligation and responsibility is to rectify or substitute any items identified as defective within the warranty period. Ultra Stones LLC accepts no responsibility for any additional expenses, losses, or harm stemming from the use of our products. In no circumstance shall Ultra Stones LLC be held accountable for indirect, punitive, consequential, extraordinary, or comparable damages, which encompass, though are not confined to, the loss of earnings, interference with business operations, or any other variations of loss. 

The original owner is obliged to immediately inform Ultra Stones LLC of any suspected defects as they manifest. Ultra Stones LLC or its authorised representatives must be granted the right to investigate the product and adhere to the necessary warranty procedures. Decisions regarding the existence of manufacturing flaws or any matters affecting this warranty will be made by Ultra Stones LLC and will be considered conclusive and obligatory for all parties involved. 

Terms and Conditions 

  • This warranty exclusively pertains to Ultra Stones LLC surfacing materials that have been permanently affixed in commercial buildings and have remained in their original installation location.
  • It’s important to note that this warranty is only valid for materials that have been installed in strict accordance with the Commercial guidelines, including instructions for transportation, storage, handling, fabrication, and installation. 
  • Ultra Stones LLC can’t aid with any expenses related to labour incurred during the installation of the replacement product. 
  • If any damage occurs during the fabrication or installation process, the responsibility for addressing it lies with the fabricator/installer. 

Regarding Laws and Building Safety Codes: 

  1. Laws and building safety codes related to the design, engineering, and construction of installations can vary significantly. 

Ultra Stones LLC holds no responsibility or obligations in terms of: 

  1. Selecting products for installation. 
  2. The design, engineering, and construction of that installation. 
  • As a part of the warranty claim process, we kindly ask our customers to actively engage in the verification procedure within 5 effective business days. . This involves taking photos and conducting detailed inspections. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. 
  • Once the structure’s ownership is transferred to a third party, the warranty initially given to the original owner at the time of installation no longer applies. 

What falls outside the scope of the Commercial warranty? 

  • The warranty does not include coverage for any harm resulting from the use of chemicals.
  • The warranty will not apply in cases where the material is employed creatively, such as when it is heated and moulded into different shapes. 
  • Warranty protection does not apply to cases in which mechanical fasteners are directly affixed to the material. 
  • The warranty does not cover any harm resulting from mishandling, misuse, excessive heat, or exposure to harsh weather conditions, whether it’s due to physical impact, or if the product is used outdoors in varying climate conditions. 
  • Warranty protection does not apply to flooring applications. 
  • Finishes that have been altered or those with smooth appearance are not eligible. ● Routine maintenance products are not included in the warranty. 
  • The warranty doesn’t apply to defects that arise from the fabricator’s end during storage. 

Warranty Claim Process 

We’re here to make sure your experience with Ultra Stones LLC remains exceptional, even in the rare event that you encounter an issue with our products. 

To initiate a warranty claim, please follow these simple steps: 

  1. Get in Touch
    Feel free to reach out to us through either of these contact methods:
    Phone: Give us a call 631-873-4747 (or) 631-873-4748 During our business hours.
    OR Email: You can also send us an email at [email protected]
  2. Provide Your Details
    When you contact us, kindly provide us with your registered name and confirm the invoice related to your purchase. This step ensures that we can quickly locate your purchase information and proceed with your warranty claim. 
  3. Discuss Your Concern
    Our friendly and dedicated team will be ready to listen and assist you with any issues you’re facing. We’ll guide you through the process and make it as hassle-free as possible. 

At Ultra Stones LLC, we genuinely value your satisfaction and are committed to resolving any warranty-related concerns immediately. Please note our business hours for reference: 

Business Hours: 

Monday – Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 

Saturday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm 

We appreciate your trust in our Commercial products, and we’re here to stand by the quality. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require assistance regarding your warranty claim. 

Thank you for choosing Ultra Stones LLC. Your satisfaction is our top priority.